Fars Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Column: Central Iraq, Syria, United Arab Emirates
Depending upon local facies, it is often separated into a Lower Fars Fm of predominately evaporite, and an Upper Fars Fm of predominantly clayey sandstone
Synonym: Upper Fars Fm = Injana Fm, Injana Mbr (Upper Fars); Lower Fars = also spelled as Fat'ha Fm, Fatha Mbr (Lower Fars)
Lithology and Thickness
Lower Fars Fm = Comprises from bottom to top: a) Transition beds normally comprising beds of anhydrite, mudstone and thin limestones, b) salty beds comprising anhydrite and halite with beds of siltstone, mudstone, and less frequent limestone beds, c) Seepage Beds comprising anhydrites with beds of siltstone, mudstone and limestone, d) Upper Red Beds comprises red mudstones, siltstones and relatively frequent beds of limestone and anhydrite.
Upper Fars Fm = Comprises fine-grained pre-molasse sediments deposited initially in the coastal area, and later in a fluviolacustrine system. In the subsidiary type section, the basal unit comprises thin bedded calcareous sandstone, and red and green mudstones with one thin gypsum bed, and a purple siltstone horizon with glass shards. Interfingers with Dibdibba Fm in Central Iraq. Thickness is very variable due to subsequent erosion over major folds. A maximum thickness of 900m was measured in Kirkuk
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Upper contact
Regionally, the schematic strat columns indicate the next younger unit as Dibdibba Fm (Iraq, Kuwait) or the Bakhtiari Fm (Syria, United Arab Emirates)
Regional extent
Depositional setting
Additional Information